Where to eat 2019 Central Street Cafe East Bridgewater
This is part of 52 restuarants in 52 week s new restuarants that one adventureous Swampie of Hockomock Swamp Supper Club Group
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As promised, I am going to 52 restaurants that Iâve never been to, in 52 weeks  here is #2
The Place: Central Street Cafe, East Bridgewater (The old Johnny Dâs)
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The Good: I am mostly on call during the week for work and since I didnât get called in by 7 AM, I asked my mom if she wanted to go grab a bite for breakfast. She agreed and I asked her if she wanted to try Central St., Café. Please note that when it first opened under this name, we tried it. It was definitely a One and done at that point for us. After finding out that it was under new ownership, we decided to give this new owner a shot today. I generally do not try a restaurant if I can help it within six months of it opening. I like all the kinks to be worked out but I guess I broke my own rule today.

It was 7:30 AM and my mom and I walked in, there was only one other couple sitting in there. We seated ourselves and chose the booth right near the window in order to stay away from the cold air when the door opens.
The waitress came over and asked us if we wanted coffee. I asked her what her name was and she told me Deanna.
I declined Coffee but my mom got a cup. I got a cup of decaf tea.
Also to note, they have earlybird specials from 6 AM to 8 AM. They also have daily specials. I opted for two eggs, English muffin, home fries (side order) and bacon. My mom got the pancakes.
The home fries were pretty good, texture wise but I do not like green peppers at all. I asked for Fried onions in the home fries and I felt like either the spices they use or peppers that were grilled on the grill and the homefries picked up that flavor. I tried some of my moms pancake and it was just OK.
My breakfast was OK. It wasnât the worst breakfast I had, it wasnât the best.
There is no bad or ugly here but I can tell you that the vibe in that place can only be described in one word: Dead.
The reason I describe it this way is because there is no energy in that place.The walls are painted gray which were painted over when Johnny Dâs sold the first time.
I guess a little bit more color on the walls wouldâve cheered it up a little. And the waitress just seemed extremely tired and just disinterested. She did check on us during our meal and got us what we needed but I just felt like for a new place, there wouldâve been a little bit more energy.
There was a man who was in the back hall I am assuming was one of the cooks, came out front and said hello to somebody I believe he knew. This gentleman was sitting at the counter and we were right behind him and I thought it was kind of odd that the cook (owner??) didnât look over and say hello. I guess I just didnât get that warm, fuzzy feeling in this place.
The food was just OK. The service was meh. The ambience just wasnât there.
I hate to say it, but this is probably a one and done for me. But at least I gave it a shot.