Swampland Survey

Chef Series with James Parker of SunnySide Cafe Weymouth

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What goes on behind the scenes of a restaurant, what inspired your favorite chef or owner to get into the restaurant business!  What’s their favorite tool and what do they LOVE for comfort food!  Today we will meet James Parker of Sunnyside Cafe in Weymouth.  Small Irish family run breakfast cafe that opened in North Weymouth in the fall of 2019!

Sunnyside Up Cafe is OPEN under new Management (Chef Jami remains). Breakfast & Lunch 6:30am-2pm. inside dining, curbside pickup and delivery Sat & Sun 10am-2pm. Check out our new menu. 781-340-6491.   You can find out their full menu on their facebook page 



When did you become interested in cooking?
I became Interested in cooking pretty young. Pretty much as soon as I realized if I was hungry and knew how to cook I could just cook something up.

What was your first restaurant job?
My first restaurant job was at KFC taco bell.

What culinary training do you have?
I never went to school for culinary or anything but I worked under a chef for many years learning everything I could .

How long have you been a chef/ owner?
I have been  a chef for 10 years

What ingredient could you not live without?

Ugh this I’d easy garlic straight up

What tool of the trade could you not live without?
(other than a knife)
The Spatuala with the perfect edges

What is your current specialty of the house?
I would say our homefries people seem to love. Also I make hash in house scratch and that’s been a big hit as well
What is your biggest selling item?
Hmm I would have to say the Irish breakfast I mean it’s delicious irish bacon sausage pudding eggs homefries beans oh wait and toast…. sold

Do you cook at home?

Yes I do not always but I definitely can chef up at home depending on my mood..

What is your personal favorite comfort food?

Oh man this easy chicken fajitas with all the fixings easy

Thanks to James Parker for taking time to answer our questions! Are you a local restaurant owner and want to have you or your chef answer questions please Send Mail

SunnySide Cafe



400 Bridge street
Weymouth, Massachusetts