Swampland Survey

Chef Series with Angelo Rizzo Trattoria San Pietro Norwell

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What goes on behind the scenes of a restaurant, what inspired your favorite chef or owner to get into the restaurant business!  What’s their favorite tool and what do they LOVE for comfort food!

Today we will meet Angelo Rizzo Head Chef of  local Italian Restaurant  Trattoria San Pietro  in Norwell    Trattoria San Pietro features authentic Italian Cuisine, originally from the Campania region in Italy delight guests with the freshest and most traditional Italian creations. Opened since 1990, Trattoria San Pierto has been a gourmet landmark for Italian cuisine in the South Shore.

When did you become interested in cooking?

14 years ago. I always liked to cook but when I stared working at the Old Trattoria San Pietro I discovered my passion for cooking.

What was your first restaurant job?

Trattoria San Pietro

What culinary training do you have?

I was trained by Vincezo Nocera, he taught me a lot about traditional Southern Italian Cuisine

How long have you been a chef?

One Year

What ingredient could you not live without?

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

What tool of the trade could you not live without?
(other than a knife)

Kitchen tongs

What is your current specialty of the house?

Old Style Eggplant Parmesan

What is your biggest selling item?

Chicken Saltimboca

Do you cook at home?


What is your personal favorite comfort food?

Rack of Lamb

Trattoria San Pietro
376 Washington St # 1, Norwell, MA 02061

Hours of Operation:
Sunday 4:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Monday to Thursday 4:30 to 10:00 pm
Friday and Saturday 4:30 pm to 11:00 pm

Thanks to Angelo Rizzo  for taking time to answer our questions! Are you a local restaurant owner and want to have you or your chef answer questions please Send Mail